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iSite Update:  July 30/2003, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Click here for News on our upcoming Sept.6/2003 Show

Ottawa's Blues Machine:

In one sentence,the Bogalusa Blues Band can be described as a melting-pot of various musical styles all interwoven into a form of energetic, hard-driving funk-blues. One moment this seasoned quintet made up of Jason Bailey and Ilan Koleton guitars, Steve Hiscox on drums, Al Cannon on Bass, and Dan Gubermanon harp will be heard playing wildly catchy and inventive funk orginals. Next, they did deep into their musical roots to cover timeless blues masterpieces, refreshing those old loveable sounds with a rare, genuine feeling. The Bogalusa Blues Band isn't bent on piercing eardrums or selling outbars.  They simply want to show you what made them all fall in love with this music - and do they deliver!  Deeply rooted in the stylesof the Kings (B.B., Albert, Freddie), of the precursors of funk (JamesBrown, The Meters), and of modern rock legends (Jimi Hendrix, Santana,Ben Harper), this quintet is no pushover in musical talent.

Members of Bogalusa:

Jay Jason Bailey - Guitar and vocals
Jason's powerful guitar playing unleashes melodic phrases that stun and delight all at once. Both his electric and acoustic styles are extremely inventive, evoking rich, refreshing structures that continually breathe new life into blues,rock, and funk.  His strong voice captures all the heart-wrenching sincerity, inflections, and character that define the music he loves. It is a voice that adds truth, a fulcrum which compliments the free-flowing nature of this ensemble's highly textured style.

Dan Dan Guberman - Blues harp and vocals
Winner of the 2001 Rainbow Blues Harp Blow-Off
Invoking the heart-stopping playing styles of the great amplified harp-masters, Dan never fails to create stimulating improvisations, shimmering compliments to the snarling guitars of Ilan and Jason.  From the warm, searing tones of big city swing to the percussive rural sounds that tinge acoustic harp, Dan's electic playing is always changing and finding new directions not only in the blues, but also in funk and rock.

Ilan Ilan Kolet - Guitar
Ilan's playingis as smooth as glass, inflected with white hot licks that soothe as they groove.  He amazes in his funky, whip-like attack all the while maintaining the grit that only a true blues musician can provide.  His interplay with Jason's guitar is seamless as he bounces rythm and lead elements off the melodies resounding from his fleeting fingers.  He never seeks to replicate but instead chooses to expand upon the pillars his many influences, most notably Freddie King, established long ago...

Steve Steve Hiscox - Drums
Steve evokes the likes of Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa, a loose cannon on the skins ready to ignite into a physically stunning  drum solo at a moment's notice. His playing is at all time spectacular while solidly implanting that ever-important groove into each song.  Steve is a veteran of his craft and acquired much experience through teaching, and touring the country with numerous bands over the past twenty years.

Al Al Cannon - Bass guitar
Al's boomy bass lines bring thick, dynamic rythmic elements to the band's remarkable tightness.  His incredible feel for accentuating the guitar or harmonica solo is indicative of a truly gifted musician.  He can pound out grooves that would make Willie Dixon proud and ever so often will speckle the songs with his own jazz-cum-rockabilly solos on the turn of a dime.  What remains is an artistry that he downplays constantly but which constitutes an essential part of this band's jaw-dropping diversity

Picture from Capital City (March '99)

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JJim Roy's Ottawa Blues, Jazz and Swing Guide...Keeping the Ottawa Community informed.

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(by clicking on the the guitar...a Strat of course!)

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